Chiropractic Testimonials
"Dr. Brown and staff are the exception to the rule. They set the example of a Doctor visit. I wish all my Doctor visits were met with the professionalism and care these people show. I treat Dr. Brown’s on a referral from the VA through the Veterans Choice Program. Treatments work! Great service and care."
- Crush
"I am a US Army Veteran and have multiple service-related injuries and disabilities, one of which was severe restriction in the range of motion of my right shoulder. When I went in to see Dr. Brown I could not reach my head with my right hand, or even feed myself with my right hand. After just a few Acupuncture treatments, I could reach behind my head and feed myself with my right hand. I am even able to put on and take off my shirt by myself now! Dr. Brown and his entire staff are just great."
- Loren, US Army

"On Memorial Day 1996 I was told I would most likely have back pain for the rest of my life. This was due to a cliff jumping accident, which led to me having two fractured vertebrae in my low back and rotator cuff damage to my right shoulder. I was told I would never again be able to participate in the sport that is my passion, Tae Kwon Do. I assumed the medical doctors were right, because as they were telling me this, I could not feel or even move my legs.
It was close to two months before I could even consider trying to walk. I was concerned I would have to live with these injuries for the rest of my life. After this I was afraid of pinching a nerve in my back with any kind of twisting motion, so the thought of a Chiropractor adjusting my back definitely scared me. Not to mention I could not even raise my right arm from my side. A couple of months later I was introduced to Dr. Brown. After just a few months of regular visits to Dr. Brown for adjustments I was back to my old self, including my favorite sport, Tae Kwon Do. Since that year I have earned my black belt and competed in numerous Tae Kwon Do tournaments which I never thought I would be able to do again. I can also lift more weight now during weight training than I ever thought possible. My back is so strong now that I can deadlift almost 400 pounds, and I am getting stronger! I am a firm believer in Chiropractic and Acupuncture and the natural healing that can occur without invasive surgery or medications. After Dr. Brown included Acupuncture along with my adjustments, I was surprised by how quickly I could feel that the treatments were working. Now I try to get Acupuncture treatments as often as possible. Thank you Dr. Brown for your knowledge and recommendations for treatment, rehabilitation exercises and stretches. I plan on living a long, healthy and happy life because of this."
- Jeremy Gunderson

"Brown Chiropractic helped me with my preparations for my first bodybuilding contest, Musclemania. They helped me to control my weight, and managed what I was eating from start to finish. Not only did they offer great adjustments to keep me straight while I was preparing for Musclemania, but Dr. Brown and Garret stayed on top of me and helped me through every step, from the proper training, to exact diet, to weight loss techniques.
I was completely satisfied, and more than prepared for my first bodybuilding show that brought me a 3rd place trophy. Needless to say, I am extremely pleased with the complete package that they provided me with. I plan on using them again with my next competition. Now it is on to building more muscle while maintaining lean body mass, and Brown Chiropractic is helping me with that as well."
- Mark

"Dr. Brown, thank you for all of your help with my numerous shoulder and back problems over the last year. You have helped me maintain a higher overall level of fitness, and thus competitiveness, this year. One result is I was able to win my class in the AVDRA Arizona State Motocross Championship at 53 years young!"
- Bruce

"Dr. Brown delivers Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture and therapies of the absolute highest quality. I know this because my mother, father, step-father, sister and soon-to-be brother-in-law are ALL Chiropractors. I can honestly say I have been adjusted by around 100 DC's in my life so far, and Dr. Brown's adjustments were always tops. He delivers quick accurate adjustments using appropriate force.
Dr. Brown was my primary physician while I attended Arizona State University, and he kept me aligned and healthy while I was playing for the ASU Rugby team. I put more time on the field than most of my teammates because I was able to prevent injury and recover more rapidly with Dr. Brown's care. While I was at ASU I referred everyone that I heard complain of an injury, headache, soreness or health problem of any type to Dr. B, and I hope all his current patients are doing the same. Thanks, Doc!"
- Alex

"I have had the great privilege of spending some time actually working for Dr. Brown. As a former nurse I had my reservations about Chiropractic and Acupuncture. My old school nursing taught me that it was hokey voodoo. I went to work for him simply because at the time I had quit nursing and needed a temporary job. He needed a temp to fill in for someone on maternity leave. I liked Dr. B and the staff so I thought what the heck.
What it taught me was that I didn't need to pop a pill for every bit of pain I had and that pain issues were often deeper than what a traditional doctor could or would tell you. I ride horses a lot. When I started temping for Dr. Brown I also began jumping horses. When taking a horse at great speed towards a jump, sometimes they don't jump and stop suddenly. Being thrown off the horse and landing can do a number on your spine and other areas of your body. I had other stressors that caused a stiff neck and tension headaches. My first reaction was the old standby of Tylenol or Advil. Dr. Brown took some x-rays and began to treat specific areas for me with both manual manipulation and Acupuncture. Had I not experienced it I never would have believed it. Often stress would leave immediately. My back pain is all but gone and with the help of custom foot orthotics, my off-balance hips are starting to correct themselves. At first my adjustments and treatments were rather frequent. These days, thanks to Dr. Brown, I only need maintenance treatments. He certainly changed THIS nurse's mind about Chiropractic care and Acupuncture!"
- Jennie

"When I first came to see Dr. Brown in January 2006 with severe lower back pain, I had limited mobility and was unable to run for several weeks. As a lifetime runner, I was deeply worried that my back problems would keep me from enjoying one of my true passions. Having never been treated by a Chiropractor, I was unsure how effective the treatments would be. To my amazement, I was running after just four treatments!
My back began feeling so much better, that I was inspired to begin training for my first marathon, the San Diego Rock-n-Roll Marathon. During my marathon training, the continued treatments and training advice that Dr. Brown provided were invaluable. He helped me through some tough training that included some very long and hard training runs. In June of 2006, just five and a half months after my first visit, I stood at the starting line of the race with the confidence that I could accomplish my goal of completing my first marathon. Not only did I complete my first marathon, but I also accomplished what is many amateur runners' ultimate goal: qualify for the Boston Marathon. In April of 2007 I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the 111th running of the Boston Marathon. The training for Boston was even tougher than my first marathon. I had many more sore muscles and even developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot just three weeks before the race. Once again, Dr. B's treatments and advice helped me be pain-free by race day. The experience and memories from the Boston Marathon are something that will be with me for a lifetime. I thank you and your staff for being a part of my training team. I really couldn't have done it without you."
- Scott

"I always thought Chiropractic was for when you got into a car accident or hurt yourself at work. I had never really suffered from back pain but I did have other problems that I never would have thought were related to my spine. I met Dr. Brown in 1998 while working together in a Chiropractic clinic. He taught me that Chiropractic is not only for back pain, but also the overall health and well-being of my body.
Dr. Brown told me that when vertebrae are out of proper alignment they put pressure on my spinal cord nerves, which affects the function of my body. I had lived with severe menstrual cramps, tingling and numbness in my legs, and irregular bowel movements for as long as I could remember. I thought all of these things were normal for my body. Dr. Brown examined me and took x-rays of my spine. He saw that vertebrae were out of alignment and pinching nerves in my lower back. Those nerves were the ones that controlled the function of all the areas I was having trouble with. No joke, after my first week of treatment I no longer had tingling and numbness in my legs and I began having regular bowel movements. And the cramps still come and go but are not as severe as they used to be, which is still a great improvement. Thanks Doc, I'd still be suffering if it weren't for you!"
- Amber

"I have been seeing Dr. Brown for about 3 years now for different problems and I have had excellent results with the treatments. One of the problems I had was that I would get constant headaches from sitting in front of a computer terminal for 8-10 hours a day. With the Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments I've received from Dr. Brown those headaches are now gone.
I still go in for a "tune up" so that they don't come back. I must admit that I initially had some reservations about the Acupuncture since I don't like needles but Dr. Brown explained how the treatment worked, made me feel at ease, and always lets me know when he is inserting the needles on points where I may feel them as they are going in. I now feel at ease every time I go in for an Acupuncture treatment. Another problem that I had was that during the seasonal changes with my allergies I would get nosebleeds. Dr. Brown used the Acupuncture points for those and I have not had any more nosebleeds and my allergies are better controlled with the Acupuncture than with all the pills that my allergy doctor would prescribe. I don't feel the queasiness, nausea, drowsiness with the Acupuncture that I did with the allergy drugs."
- Octavio
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Every Other Saturday
9:00am - 1:00pm